Monday, December 27, 2010

The Christmas after Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I know I did.

I wanted to say our Paint and Play league at my LGS is doing well, we're up to 10 people with the possibility of 2 more! We're coming up on week three, and I do have some pictures taken last week with my phone of Sorscha and Stryker. Only problem I have now, is with Christmas here, I kinda practically bought myself a nice gift of let's say........another 150 points of Khador? What!? You know you'd do it too if you had the chance!!! Lol, none the less, I have a lot of list options and friggin sweet models to work on now. I got my brother the remainder for his 50 point army, plus a few extra's, so he's got about 75 points or so of Cygnar now.

I feel guilty for not updating this in like 2 weeks. But now that the holidays are over, and things are getting back to normal, I think I'll be back to my regular hobby/modelling routine at night now. But I'll give another update later this week with how the League is going, even with a few pictures of our crew wrecking some face!! And I swear, we have one new Menoth player who is in love with his Repenter. Our store owne and PG who's been playing Warmachine since release was just in shock and awe with him. He has literally caught the enemy warcaster on fire in every game he's played, even to mine, regardless if he win's or loses. It's freakin' epic and hilarious at the same time!

Here's our WIP shots of our Battle Box casters wrapping up to a finish! Also, my WIP Epic Irusk for when we move up to 25 points too :).

Friday, December 17, 2010

Weekly update!

Been another busy week with work (hurray for busy season!). But I did manage to get a few things done, as well as my brother too. My camera decided to hang itself and isn't working, but I'm going to attempt to take a few picturues with my blackberry tonight and see how they come out. I have Sorscha done pretty much and the legs of the Juggy from the battle box I've been working on. My brother finished up his Stryker, but I think there's a lot more he could do, just have to show him how.

We did get some games in last night though! Which was great. We kinda initiated a paint and play, or grow league upon the store, we have about 9 people right now, and I think the rest of our meta is gonna jump in too (we have about 25 people or so). I played Menoth twice, and both games, poor Kreoss went Axe to Mouth from the Juggy :), made my friggin' night hehe. My brother played against Menoth and Cryx, I honestly can't remember how he faired in his game versus Menoth, but I know he learned quick about how crazy Cryx arc nodes can be with Dene lol, but he sadly lost that game. We're hoping to get some more games in over the weekend, and some painting as well. I'm really excited about jumping up to 25 points in Jan now, playing all these battle box games has been a youthful insight to how much fun I truly enjoy this game outside of the competitive circuit. I've been debating a few alternatives for my 25 point list, but I'm getting ready for a Dr's appointment here shortly, my dang foot/ankle has been really hurting after it has healed from my motorcycle accident in June this year. But afterwards or this evening I'll post the lists and like your thoughts on them!

Cheers until then!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Well, something good came out of this week!

So my little brother got settled in good after getting here last weekend. Best part was he like the models for Warmachine and after playing a few battle box games with his Cygnar box, he's got them ready for painting! (he's been using the store's cygnar box to play with). It actually gave some of us the idea to do a Grow League, which I always thought was fun. So about 4 of us right now that really dont care about being competitive have decided to do this. We got my brother with Cygnar, I chose Khador as it's my first love!, then our 2 other friends actually chose Cryx, and Menoth. So we have all the main factions! (I don't count Retribution :P). This month we've decided to work solely on battle boxes and get them painted up and we actually played about 8 games each today lol, was a lot of fun and a nice break from 50pt games. We just got home and finished priming up our warcasters, so my brother and I are gonna work on them for now. I will try to either post our progress late tonight or tomorrow morning.  Until then, Cheers!!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Sorry for no update this week, it's been very busy between work and personal life. I've been putting in extra time for some deadlines at the office, and then I have my little brother coming to move in with me, so it's been a very hectic week or so.

But on a good note,  I did round off my 50 Point Grim Angus list last night when I finally picked up the rest of the models I needed. I'll be getting it all built and ready for priming this weekend and I'll update again with a full group shot and such with an army list written out here tomorrow :).

I have done some skin tone on my troll impaler as well, but I'm not too happy with it honestly. I was going with a blue-ish skin tone that I kinda wanted to try, but I'm just not feeling it, if you know what I mean. So I plan to strip him and re-do him red, hehe just like every other army I own! So hopefully I'll have a picture up of him tomorrow assuming I can get priming done tonight with no bad weather! *fingers crossed*

Monday, November 22, 2010


Hello again!
Sorry for the late reply, the weekend ended up being more eventful in other ways than painting sadly. I spent most of my time at the game store, just doing other things but painting! But, I did get something done! I have bad gamer ADHD and got the urge to work on some Trollbloods. Haven't really figured out a list yet, but I've really always enjoy the Warlock model Grim Angus. So, I painted him up and I'm planning a warpack with him currently. I'm pretty sure I'm already set on a Troll Impaler, and I'm thinking of an Earthborn Dire troll as well. But to the pictures! Sorry their not the best quality, I haven't been able to make it to the hobby lobby for some linen to make my light box yet, but plan to this weekend (yay 4 day weekend!).

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Alrighty then!

Sorry for the late update, work has been busy! I've started to work on my first list, painting wise, got a few things primed, and airbrushed the base coat of skorne red on last night. Today my goal is to get Mordikaar and the Void Spirit finished. If I do complete with some time left, I'm going to start on the Bronzeback! I've attached some pics of the airbrushed based models I did last night, and I'll post up some WIP of Mord and the Void Spirit throughout today as I'm working on them! Sorry for the poor lighting on them, haven't bother to set up a lightbox yet, going to try and also get that done this weekend as well.



Thursday, November 18, 2010

Trial Army lists! List 1

So, I'm taking to two 50 point lists for Steamroller Format next year to the Cons I'm planning on attending. I've only played one game with each so far, and still need to tweak them some I think. I haven't played my skorne in quite a few years, I might need to swap out a few things here and there, but honestly won't know until I get a few more games in. But for now, let's get to the lists!

List 1:

Void Seer Mordikaar   +5 WB Pts
Cyclopse Brute   5
Bronzeback Titan   10
Molik Karn   11
Aptimus Marketh   3
Cataphract Arcuarii (Leader and 3 Grunts)   6
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 3 Grunts)   2
Praetorian Karax (Leader and 9 Grunts)   6
Praetorian Karax (Leader and 9 Grunts)   6
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer   3
Void Spirit   2
This list only comes to 49. I'm still debating the idea with the Brute, I originally had a Basalisk Drake there for the spray, but I have plenty of infantry to counter enemy infantry should I need to I think.  The whole idea behind Molik and the Bronzeback is pretty much to wreck face on any enemy warbeasts/warjacks. The Brute is more for a defensive warbeast on Mord with shield guard should the need arise, and to help clean up should I lose one of my heavies early in the game. The Paingiver Handlers are obviously there to assist managing the beasts every turn with enrage/medicate etc.
The two units of Karax are pretty much tarpit units in a sense for scenario play and to hold objective in shield wall. Also plan to keep hollow on at least one unit, and that exploding spell (can't think of the bloody name right now and don't have my skorne cards/book on me) that way if possible I can get some extra Fury. Arcuarii are there to deal with warbeasts/warjacks and heavy infantry, never hurts to have some CRA drag and smack with weapon masters running around :).  Tyrant Commander & SB are there to support both Karax units and the Arcuarii with his little *action abilites.
Marketh is there to hopefully support Mord by upkeeping his spells from gaining tokens from dying infantry around him, so Mord can hold onto his fury each turn. The Void Spirit is pretty much there to harass other solo's or eliminate them if possible, he doesn't really need much support in my opinion.

I'll post the 2nd list a little later this evening after work :D.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The start of something new...

So I've checked out a few blogs just recently, and I think the concept is pretty cool. A fellow gamer, Plarzoid, has a blog I've read off and on and with a little encouragement, I've decided to do one as well. I'll start posting a few pictures of progress later this evening, but for now I'm going to be keeping track of two 50 point Hordes: Skorne army lists and my progress with the modelling and painting aspect of it. These two lists will be the lists I'm continuously play testing, as I'll be taking them on the road in 2010 for as many Cons as I can manage to get to! Right now, the group I play with and I, are looking at:

Bayou Wars
Locked and Loaded (I believe that's what it's called, it's up near PP in Washington, don't know a whole lot about it yet).
Warmachine Weekend (which is a blast I might add!)

I'm excited about doing this, and I'll start posting up the test lists with Warlocks I'll be using later this evening, with some WIP shots of what I've got so far!

Until then, cheers!